Sadly, the 2% cash-back Priceline Visa Rewards card is no longer available. There are other, far less lucrative versions of the Priceline card, but you’re much better off with one of the other 2% – 2.2% cash-back options. In other bad news, the “rogue” link to the 50,000-mile offer on the Citi AAdvantage card has […]
The Barclaycard Arrival World MasterCard: Raising The Cash-Back Bar To 2.2%

The Barclaycard Arrival World MasterCard has been on my radar screen since it launched in December 2012. There are two version of the card – one with no annual fee, and one with an $89 annual fee (waived the first year). The annual-fee version generated some buzz when it was released because it effectively generates […]
Filed Under: Barclays